Simple Oral First-Aid Items

Oral first-aid is essential for managing pain and other problems after an accidental fall or sports injury that impacts your mouth. Remember that first-aid is just that, and you should make an appointment to see our dentist, Dr. Brick Scheer as soon as possible.

Creating a dental first-aid kit with some simple oral care products can help you be better prepared for oral trauma. Waxed dental floss can be used to remove an object that is stuck between teeth or lodged near the gumline.  

You might be able to put a knocked-out tooth that is in one piece back in the socket. You can hold the tooth between your cheek and gum to keep it viable, but this can be inconvenient, and you may want to stock your dental first-aid kid with a tooth-perseveration product that has been approved by the American Dental Association. Keeping a few salt packets and a plastic cup in your dental first-aid kit can also be helpful for preparing a gentle salt water rinse. You may also want to add a topical oral analgesic, which can be used to numb traumatized soft oral tissues and teeth while you wait to see the dentist.

If you live in the Wichita, Kansas, area and you or someone near you has just suffered significant oral trauma, you should call (316) 333-6214 to schedule an appointment at Scheer Dentistry.

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